Explore the world of BWT Alpine Formula One Team through Minecraft Education


BWT Alpine Formula One Team and Official Partner, Microsoft, have continued their Race into STEM initiative with the inclusion of a Minecraft Education world.

The Race into STEM programme seeks to promote gender diversity in motorsport and provide highly educational content for all young people through specially curated events and activations. As part of the Alpine and Microsoft partnership, events have been held in Mexico City, London, Melbourne, and France, all with the goal of involving and inspiring young people with STEM subjects and careers.

The Race into STEM Minecraft Education world is the next step in the initiative between the team and Microsoft. The game is set in a remarkable 8-bit recreation of the BWT Alpine Formula One Team factory in Enstone, Oxfordshire, U.K. Players can explore the facility and learn all about creating and racing a modern-day Formula One car.

Players will meet team employees who detail their roles and explain key concepts about the car. Senior members of the team including Dalia Ramos Guerra, Head of Build and Test, and Chief Financial Officer Gemma Lang, help players to understand how important their roles are in Formula One.

Activities in the game include testing a car in the wind tunnel and taking part in a pit-stop.

So far, over one hundred students have taken part in the events around the globe, and there have been over 80,000 visits to the digital Race into STEM platform from 99 countries. The online resource is available for free worldwide and includes a curated curriculum by FIA Girls on Track UK, along with videos from BWT Alpine Formula One Team employees, including some of those who feature in the minigame.

The team invited Middle Barton Primary School to Enstone so students could get their first taste of the new Minecraft Education world. The students were then given an exclusive tour of the factory and had the chance to learn from the employees featured in the game during a Q&A session including Dalia, Gemma, and Senior Aerodynamicist, Paula Garcia Ruiz.

The Race into STEM Minecraft Education world can be played on the Minecraft Education website now at Race into STEM with Microsoft | Minecraft Education.